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Elementary Schools:



Bamford Elementary:

Enjoy different activities each month for fun all summer long!

Email today for sibling and multi-camp discount codes!


"Learning Beyond the Classroom!"


Our Background

Founded in June 2017, NoCo Tutoring & Enrichment is owned and operated by Jacque Morgan and Niel Smosna. After over a decade in the classroom, Jacque and Niel left to raise their own young children, and started tutoring a small handful of students to continue their connection to the profession they love. The need for affordable tutoring by trained educators quickly became clear, and the two former teachers embarked on a journey to start their own business, NoCo Tutoring & Enrichment. We are proud to now employ over a dozen amazing, state licensed teachers, who bring a wide range of expertise in various grade levels, interventions, and teaching styles. We have supported students from as young as 3-years-old through high school, and have watched as students all over the learning spectrum have made incredible growth and progress from the individualized and in-depth supports our tutors offer. We are thankful for the opportunity to continue to do what we are most passionate about - helping children succeed.

Outdoor Study Group


Meeting your Child's Individual Needs

Student Writing

After School Enrichment

We offer after school enrichment! From LEGOS to Fun & Fitness to Acting and Musicals and more! Click below to view all that is offered and get your child registered today!


Tutors collaborate with you and your child's classroom teacher to gather information about your child's learning needs, set learning goals, incorporate current lessons, and review and supplement classroom content. Our tutors can offer drilled down instruction in the skill areas your child is needing additional work on, weekly homework support in any core content area, or enrichment for advanced learners.

Teacher Writing a Formula on a Blackboard

Locations & Times

Sessions with tutors are typically one to two hours in length and occur one to three times a week, as determined by you and your tutor based on your child's needs. We offer a wide variety of tutoring options including in-person as well as online tutoring.


Tutoring is offered both at hourly rates as well as packaged monthly rates. Please reach out so we can discuss and create a plan for tutoring tailored to your child's individual needs!

Open Notebook


We offer basic formal and informal assessments, which are completed within tutoring sessions. For more comprehensive testing needs, we are proud to partner with Rocky Mountain Neurobehavioral Health. 


Rocky Mountain Neurobehavioral Health LLC

2629 Redwing Rd., Suite 112

Fort Collins, CO 80526




Woman Tutoring Child
"I am a local teacher who had students receiving tutoring through NoCo Tutoring & Enrichment. I was so impressed with their services I enrolled my own daughter! She's is making amazing gains academically, but the biggest change is her confidence in the classroom - she finally feels like she has the tools she needs to succeed. The best part is that she LOVES going to tutoring each week - it's become her favorite extracurricular activity! As both a teacher and a parent I couldn't be happier with this service."

A. Bettstorff

Happy Girls
Children in School

We tried the corporate tutoring companies and ended up spending a riduculous amount of money just to have a 'one size fits all' program taught by someone who wasn't even a certified teacher. At NoCo Tutoring we got an amazing teacher who built a relationship with my son, knows his strengths and needs, and is giving him the exact support in the areas he needs.

S. Williams

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